ReGOREgitated Sacrifice (2008)

(NOTE: As with the first film, the sound quality in this film is really bad, so please understand that my dialogue interpretations may not be 100% accurate. What irks me about this one in particular is that some of the dailogue is subtitled, but not all of it. Again, like the first one, this film is incredibly rapidly edited, and most of this is to cut back and forth between two scenes in quick succession. Please forgive me if I don't mention every instance of these cuts, as it seems redundant to do so. A further thing to note is that there are only really two main settings in this film: a bright white room, and a motel room. Whenever I refer to 'the motel room', know that I'm talking about the same setting every time.)

Context from previous film ('Slaughtered Vomit Dolls'):A teenage runaway who was sexually abused and became a stripper and eventual prostitute, Angela Aberdeen, has nightmares of murders that she herself may have been involved in. She struggles with bulimia and aggressive clients, and eventually commits suicide. Read my plot summary of this film HERE.

TL;DR: Angela Aberdeen is now dead, but she continues to have violent visions of torture, murder, and flashbacks from her own life. Twin demons, The Black Angels of Hell, guide her through the afterlife and enact violence of their own.

List of the shock-value stuff that happens in this movie, in case you don't want to read the whole summary:

Beat-for-beat plot summary:

The movie opens with red text on a white background that says: 'Director's Disclaimer: WARNING: the following movie contains frequent graphic gory and violent scenes. Nudity and sexual themes. The material contained herein will definitely offend most viewers. Proceed at your own risk. Not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. All performers in the following movie are consenting adults and are 18 years of age or older. For more information please see "the making of" documentary. Lucifer Valentine'.

The next shot is red text on a white background that reads 'copyright 2007 kingdom of hell productions inc. all rights reserved' in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. The text changes to 'kingdom of hell productions presents:' and then says 'a lucifer valentine film'. It changes to say 'executive producer: no one body', and then 'starring:'. It then lists the names 'ameara lavey', 'the black angels of hell', 'isabelle styles', 'and hank skinny' in quick succession, before the title 'ReGOREgitated Sacrifice' is shown on the screen.

A close up is shown of blonde Angela's unmoving face, silhouetted, while a deep, rattling breath is heard on a voiceover. "Oh my god," the voice sobs. This is also subtitled at the bottom of the screen in yellow text. "This is how I feel inside. I believe in you," The voiceover says, while a light shines from behind Angela's head. "Yeah I do," the voiceover continues, "I love it when you beat me up." The voice, probably Angela, is muffled, as if she is speaking over the phone.

"I like it when you rape me, because it feels good, because I know that you care about me as you're doing it, because that's what you like, and you still like me." The subtitles say 'as your doing it' here.

"You're not doing it because you hate me like everybody else in this goddamn life. There's monsters out there, but you shouldn't worry about me. That's what I felt when I died, and I don't wanna feel anymore. I don't wanna feel anymore." The light behind Angela continues to grow brighter and brighter until it is shining on the left side of her face. "I'm so done with it. I'm so done with being fucking crushed." The subtitles here say 'fucken crushed'.

"I'm a really awful, awful person," Angela continues on the voiceover, "because I don't know why and I don't know how, but I am. I have to be awful, okay, for my mother to turn her back on me, for my dad to turn their back on me." Angela's face is now fully visible with the increasingly bright lighting. The voiceover continues, Angela speaking rapidly: "He used to hurt me very, very bad. He came into my room. I'm never going back. Never, ever, ever. I guess I'm a runaway. Right now, I'm gonna look for a nice place to sleep that isn't so goddamn cold. I love you so much, you know that? I love you more than life because you're real to me. You're real to me. I'm not gonna get hurt. I hope not. I promise I won't get hurt."

The brightness of the light increases still, with Angela's face now beginning to look overexposed. She is simply staring at the camera, unmoving. She continues on the voiceover, saying, "I'm going to find a place to sleep. Like I said, I left in my jeans and my shirt, but I will find somewhere safe. I promise, okay? I promise. I promise you'll see me tomorrow. You'll probably see me tonight in your dreams. Okay? Goodnight, baby. I love you. Bye." The light quickly withdraws and the shot of Angela's face fades to black as her eyes close.

An analog-style tape of young Angela, with her blonde hair in a ponytail, is shown. She is wearing a red t-shirt and blue jean shorts, and she is walking along an outdoor path, her back to the camera. The next shot is presumably in the present, as it is not shown in the same format as the analog tape. It shows a field at night, with a few trees. The background is almost completely back, and the closest tree is only visible by the light of what is probably a high beam torch, or a light mounted on the camera. Two people can be seen in the distance in the dim lighting, next to a tree, walking toward the camera. Young Angela's voice from the analog tape plays over the top of this scene, and, unfortunately, this is not subtitled. She says something like: "I'll be Ted! I'll be- pretend I'm baby Ted. I'll be ten years old! Uh oh! No, I'll be nine years old. It's on." There is then the sound of either harsh coughing or gagging, and rattling chains, as the two figures come closer across the field, out of the darkness and toward the camera. They appear to be scantily clad women in black clothing, and they are walking very close together. "Hi Dad! Hi Mom!" young Angela says in the voiceover, "Look at me!"

The camera zooms in on the two figures and reveals them to be identical twin women with black hair. Closer shots of them are interspersed with random split-second shots of a forest tree-line during the day. The twins (named in the credits as the Black Angels of Hell) are wearing black tank tops and black underwear, and they are conjoined at the head, explaining why they had to walk so closely to each other. One has her arm around the other's shoulders. An extended, sped-up shot of the forest treeline is shown, and then the twins are shown posing, holding hands. One appears shy, tucking her face into the other's cheek, looking like she is trying to hide her own face from the camera.

A clip from the analog tape of young Angela is then shown, with Angela, her hair down, dressed in a white t-shirt, eating something that appears to be an ice cream. The twins are shown again, continuing to walk across the field, and a clip of Angela's death scene in the previous movie ('Slaughtered Vomit Dolls') is shown, where she is sitting on the side of the bath-tub waiting for it to fill up, with a cord wrapped around her neck. One of the twins is shown looking up at the sky. Young Angela from the analog tape continues to eat her ice cream, and adult Angela continues to wait for the bath to fill. The twins continue to walk, until eventually, they are shown walking into a bright light.

Angela's death scene from the previous movie is then shown again, with her lying in the bath until she is fully submerged, the cord still wrapped around her neck. In a bright white room, a man off-screen reaches toward the twins and grabs both of their necks with his black, rubber-glove clad hands. Angela is shown dying. Yellow text in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen reads 'April 5, 1994', while the twins basically stand around doing nothing in front of a bright white background. The hands in the rubber gloves come back into frame, and they are holding a large meat cleaver, which is used to separate the twins where they are conjoined at the side of their heads. A split-second shot of a lightning bolt, and bright flashing colours, as well as other split-second shots of the sped-up view of the treeline, are interspersed while the meat cleaver saws through the portion of skin that conjoins the twins. There is blood, but they both seem nonplussed, as they have vacant facial expressions. Split-second shots from the previous movie also show Angela continuing to run out of breath while holding herself underwater in the bathtub.

Shots of the twin's open wounds (holes in their skulls which show their brains squirting blood) are zoomed in on. The person with the black rubber gloves (who I'm assuming is Satanic Killer from the last movie) also uses the meat cleaver to even up the edge of the wound of the twin standing on the left, shaving off a bit of her brain that was sticking out, and letting it fall to the floor. A voiceover is playing, with a female voice sobbing and pleading, saying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

The left twin has her hair pulled, and there is blood and viscera on her hair that then falls onto the camera lens. Pieces of brain and drops of blood are also shown falling from the open wound of the right twin and onto the camera lens. Angela seemingly runs out of breath completely and is shown dead under the water with her eyes open. The voiceover says, "I can't live anymore," and someone is heard coughing and gagging.

The twins are shown baring their teeth at the camera, their faces covered in blood, and then they are shown lying on the ground in front of the plain white background, their wounds still pouring blood which is dripping down onto their faces and pooling on the floor. This particular shot will be repeated multiple times throughout the film. There are screaming and wailing sounds in the background, and the split-second shots of bright flashing colours, as well as of young Angela, are shown again.

The next scene takes place in what appears to be a motel room during the day, with the camera on the floor. One of the twins, in black boots and black lingerie, is sitting on a couch, and a naked, blonde Angela is lying on the floor. As the camera moves closer, someone off-screen (probably the other twin) passes a metallic-looking object to the twin on the couch. The camera moves in even closer, revealing that Angela, lying on the floor, is pregnant.

Shots are shown of the twins kneeling down before Angela, kissing and caressing her pregnant belly. It is now presumably later in the day, as the lighting in the motel room is dimmer. A close-up is shown of Angela lactating. Angela caresses one of the twin's heads and they, in turn, continue to caress her belly, resting their faces on it. Angela looks pretty out of it, staring at the camera.

Angela is then shown sitting on the bed in the motel room, her legs spread. One of the twins is lying down with her head resting on Angela's leg, and the other is sitting in front of Angela. They continue to caress her belly. Different angles of this are shown, with the twins switching poses. One of the twins spreads Angela's legs further apart and proceeds to perform cunnilingus on Angela, while the other twin plays with Angela's hair, and then begins to kiss her. The twins are also shown licking Angela's nipples. They then all share a three-way kiss.

A person wearing Angela's plain white mask from the previous film (now shown in a bit more detail and revealed to be a rubber mask with make-up painted on it) is shown, and a voiceover plays in the background. The voiceover is a male voice, though it sounds distorted in a way that suggests it has been deepened, and his speech is subtitled in white text at the bottom of the screen. Split-second frames of random childhood photographs are shown (not all of them identifiable as young Angela), and footage showing the exterior of a small, one-story house behind a fence. The voiceover says "I was first abducted in 1973. I was first abducted in 1974. I was first abducted in 1975. I was first abducted in 1978. I was first abducted in 1979. I was first abducted in 1981. I was first abducted in 1999. I was first abducted in 1971. I was first abducted in 1781. I was first abducted in 1923. I was first abducted in 1985. I was first abducted in 1973. I was first abducted in 1994."

The male voice in the voiceover is joined by a whispery female voice coming from the person in the rubber mask. There seems to be other, fainter, voices mixed in with these as well. At one point, Angela is shown on screen, speaking along with the voiceover, saying that she was first abducted in 1994.

The twins are shown again lying on the floor of the bright white room, their brains exposed and a pool of blood on the floor. A black and white, colour-inverted sequence shows one of the twins using a knife to cut pieces off the hem of a dress worn by the other twin. The twins are then shown in a normally coloured shot, sitting on a couch in a the motel room, pouring drinks, burning absinthe-soaked sugar cubes, and then stirring them into the drinks. They smile to each other and then begin to drink their cocktails.

In the next scene, the word 'stripper' is written in yellow text in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. The motel room door is shown opening, and then a dark-haired woman in a red dress walks in, smiling. The character is left unnamed, so I will refer to her as 'the stripper'.

"Ugh, love it," the twins say from off-camera, and something else that probably expresses enthusiasm for the stripper's outfit, as she walks over to where they are sitting on the couch. She sits down in between them and says something like: "What do y'alls think? Do you girls want to? Here, let's just have a shot first." The audio is hard to make out because there is a rhythmic, musical banging playing in the background, and the stripper is also slurring her words. The twin on the left hands the stripper a glass with their drink in it.

"What is it?" she asks, taking a sip.

"You'll like it," says one of the twins. The stripper's face grimaces at the flavour.

"Drink more," the other twin says, and the stripper takes another sip before setting the glass down on the coffee table.

"You girls love to have strippers around?" the stripper asks, as the twins prepare more absinthe-soaked sugar cubes, burning them. "I know you girls are twins and everything, but I think you girls are both beautiful," she says.

"So sweet," the twin on the left says, while the twin on the right also murmurs something appreciative.

"Who wants a kiss?" the stripper asks, and the twin on the right says, "me!" before leaning in and kissing the stripper while the absinthe cubes continue to burn. The twin on the left says, "touch me," and the stripper kisses her too. The twin on the left stirs the absinthe sugar into another drink.

"Gosh, I came here to dance for you girls," the stripper says, in reference to them making her another drink. The twin on the left offers the stripper the spoon that the absinthe was burned on, saying, "nice, hot sugar," before putting it in the stripper's mouth. She forces the spoon all the way to the back of the stripper's throat, driving it in and out, and the stripper begins to drool and gag.

"You're gonna love this," the twin on the right says, giving the stripper another drink. In the next shot, the stripper is kissing the twin on the right again. A split-second shot of the twins lying in their own blood in the white room is shown again. The stripper kisses the twin on the left.

The twin on the left stands up in the next clip, and the stripper says, "I know how." The twin beckons the stripper to stand up as well.

The stripper then approaches the twins as they sit side by side on the bed in the motel bedroom. The stripper begins to pose suggestively for them, and says something that is rendered unintelligible by both the quick cuts between shots, and the rhythmic banging which continues in the background. The stripper begins to give both of them a lap dance at the same time and asks, "yeah, you like it slow?"

The stripper lowers her dress to reveal her breasts and the rhythmic banging turns into more of an industrial metal track without vocals. The twins suck on her nipples and kiss her, and the stripper removes the rest of her clothes. There is more dialogue that is clipped by the frequent cuts. The twins spank the stripper and she calls them 'bad girls'. They also scratch their nails down her stomach and breasts hard enough to leave angry red marks. The stripper is shown having another drink, and bending over to show her vagina to the camera. "Down here and have fun?" someone says (I can't tell who). "You girls just don't know me, I'm sorry," the stripper says, speaking directly into the camera, her breath fogging the lens up. She also says "fuck my pussy."

The stripper, shown from a low-angle, talks and gestures to someone off-camera, saying, "well, they're twins. What the fuck can you do with twins? Um, I think they both like me, but I think-" There are cuts between each sentence here, and the rest of what she is saying is cut out.

More footage of the stripper engaging with the twins in bed ensues. The twins are now only wearing underwear, whilst the stripper is still naked. They are caressing her hair as she leans over them. She is also shown being given another drink by one of the twins, who holds the glass for her and forces her to have it all at once. When the stripper closes her mouth, unable to drink anymore, the remaining liquid in the glass spills down her naked body. She tries not to gag.

She is then shown writhing around on the floor, her dress half off. She is shown putting her underwear back on underneath the dress, too drunk to stand and stumbling over. Once she has her underwear on, she is lying on the bed, and the twins undress her again, grope her roughly, and bite her nipples, pulling them with their teeth. They also scratch at her as she moans in pain.

The next shot shows one of the twins using her fingers to make the stripper throw up in the bath. This is unsuccessful at first, as the stripper merely gags and drools, so much so that drool (and snot) is running down the twin's wrist. There is a dop of vomit in the bath, which the stripper touches with her finger and then licks. The attempted forced vomiting continues, eventually with the stripper using her own hand to make herself puke. There are many wet gagging and choking noises. Eventually the stripper pukes out clear liquid, and this clip is then shown in reverse.

The stripper is then shown lying on the bed naked, with her legs spread, as the twins climb on top of her. The next shot shows the bathroom walls drenched in blood, and the stripper, also covered in blood, lying in the tub. One of the twins says, "I think her name is Elizabeth."

A female voice off-camera says, "I've heard that twins have twin languages that they speak." Footage of the twins kissing the stripper in the bathroom, and pulling her roughly by the hair, as well as them sharing a three-way kiss are shown, while a different female voice on the voiceover track says: "We would try and be as quiet as possible, and I remember I would sneak into her room and we would talk to each other, and we would talk so quietly sometimes that even she couldn't hear-"

More footage of the stripper lying in the bath, covered in blood, are shown, and then the voiceover, which sounds like a young girl, says, "You don't wanna see what happens next, Ari. Open wide!"

The twins are shown holding the stripper by her hair and shoulders, forcing her over the bath and, again, sticking their fingers down her throat. The twins are shown kissing each other in the bathroom after a final shot of the blood-covered stripper in the bath, and then kissing each other in front of pregnant Angela in the motel room. The scene where they are lying in their own blood, their brains exposed, in the white room, is also briefly shown again.

The next scene takes place in a bedroom, with brunette Angela sitting against the bed holding a can of beer. "I don't know if I want this recorded," she says. "You're not mean to me. I don't think you'll hurt me."

She begins to cry. "And my little- my little fucking ninety-two-pound body couldn't take it. I don't know what happened, I don't fucking remember. I don't wanna remember, I don't think about that. That wasn't me. That wasn't me," she says.

She continues to cry and looks directly at the camera, saying, "they didn't look anything like me. I was this blonde, ninety-two-pound, bruised, like, ugly kid that didn't care about anything, and it wasn't me. It wasn't anything close to me." She wipes her eyes and continues: "I didn't do anything with my life because I didn't expect it to last. The only thing I'm really educated on is crime and drugs. I get so mad at myself for letting me get there, and actually liking it when I was there. And I have so much guilt, holy fuck, you wouldn't believe how much. Because I didn't have to go as far as I went. I didn't have to die."

Black and white footage of blonde Angela with the audio replaced by a droning sound is then shown. She is sitting at a table, wearing a long-sleeved silky shirt. She stands up, and spins around, as the sound of male screaming plays over the clip. The footage is slowed down slightly.

The analog tape of young Angela is shown, the same scene from the beginning of the first movie where she is preparing to give a singing performance. She is in a domestic, living-room setting, standing in front of a couch. Her hair is in a ponytail and she is wearing a red t-shirt. Her dialogue has been subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen. She is saying, "this is for the whole world, but mostly for my parents. The best singer in the whole wide world on TV."

The movie cuts back to the black and white footage of blonde, adult Angela as she crawls on the table toward the person behind the camera. A female voice singing can be heard in the background, but it's an adult voice, not that of young Angela. The next cut reveals that it is adult brunette Angela singing. She is surprisingly talented. The movie cuts back and forth between the black and white footage of blonde Angela, and the scene with brunette Angela singing. In the black and white footage, the person behind the camera begins to stick on of their fingers down Angela's throat, moving them in and out of her mouth. Gagging and animalistic growling can be heard in the background alongside Angela's singing. Blonde Angela is shown taking off her shirt, and the person behind the camera cups her breast before she takes off her bra as well. The person behind the camera cups her chin and also touches her hair. Blonde Angela sticks out her tongue and opens her mouth at the camera as the person off-screen moves their hand down her body, touching her breast again.

The movie returns to brunette Angela sitting against the bed, crying. "Even when I didn't care," she says, "If somebody would have cared about me, I could've- I could've-"

The person behind the camera is then shown sticking their whole hand in blonde Angela's mouth in the black and white footage. Angela's singing in the background has stopped, replaced by a sobbing sound. Blonde Angela is shown giving a blow job to the person behind the camera, as they hold her head down and spit on her face.

"I didn't see anything, I didn't feel anything," brunette Angela says. "And just nothing. Nothing at all." The footage of black and white Angela, her face wet with spit, is shown, before the movie returns to brunette Angela's speech. "I have gotten nowhere in my life," she says. Blonde Angela, covered in spit, is shown again, and the screaming in the background intensifies. Blonde Angela blows a kiss to the camera and waves.

"If I could turn back time, I don't know if I'd change things because I want to be who I am now, but I would," brunette Angela says.

The next scene is shot from a car on the road at night, pulling into a gas station. On-screen yellow text in the lower left corner of the screen reads '9:00 p.m.'. The camera shows a quaint white building with a green sign on it that says 'County Casino'. The camera focuses on the casino, and on-screen yellow text now reads '10:00 p.m.'. The footage is extremely blurry. A loud buzzer noise sounds in the background. The camera spins wildly, showing the gas station on the other side of the street, and on-screen text now reads '11:00 p.m.'. A subtitle in yellow text at the bottom of the screen reads 'Can I give you a ride anywhere?', but this is not audible within the film itself, as screaming can be heard in the background, and a woman's voice saying "please don't hurt me." The camera continues to spin and the woman's voice continues to beg, repeating 'please'. A shot of a road is shown from a moving vehicle.

A blonde woman is shown being thrown around on a stone floor by an unseen assailant, who then taps her head against the camera lens. A male voice says, "I think you're a really pretty little lady," in time with these taps. Shots of the road are interspersed with this footage. The blonde woman (who is not given a name) is shown standing against a black wall, removing her clothes while crying. The person behind the camera moves quickly forward and grabs her by the throat, saying, "sometimes I choke people." This is also subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen. The blonde woman is shown having her pants and underwear pulled down by the person behind the camera as she continues to sob. She has a tattoo on her hip, just above her pubic region. "Why are you doing this?" she sobs. On-screen yellow text in the lower left-hand corner of the screen reads 'whore MIDNIGHT'.

The man behind the camera says something unintelligible, and then tells the woman to 'take off her disgusting bra', which she does. She takes off her shoes, and she then shown completely naked. Her face is pressed up against the lens, which steams up, for a split-second. Shots of the road are still being interspersed with this footage.

The blonde woman is shown on her knees, crying, while the hand of the cameraman reaches forward and into her mouth, causing her to gag. A different woman with brown hair, her face streaked with blood, is shown, and the shot appears to ripple as if the camera is underwater. The blonde woman gags and screams as she is choked.

On-screen yellow text reads '1:00 p.m.'. "I'm not special. No, I promise I'm not," the blonde woman sobs while lying on the floor, shaking her head. "I'm a regular person." The lens is still smeary with condensation. The next shot shows a close up of the blonde woman's vagina as she urinates onto the stone floor, still lying down. "Oh no," she cries, as this happens, and she is holding the top of her vagina with her hand. Urine splashes onto the camera lens.

Satanic Killer, a character from the previous film, dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans, is shown kneeling behind the woman and gripping her hair while she is positioned on her hands and knees. She is still sobbing. The next shot shows the blonde woman huddled against the black wall, with on-screen yellow text that reads '2:00 a.m.'. There is animalistic growling coming from off-camera and the woman is hyperventilating. She is shown again lying on the floor and begs, saying something along the lines of, "please don't do this to me." On-screen text reads '3:00 a.m.' as the growling and begging continue.

A close up of the blonde woman's face is shown, with her saying, "I promise to be a perfect child of Satan." This is subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen ('I promise to be a Perfect Child of Satan'). The woman's teeth are chattering, and she continues, which is also subtitled: "I do hereby give my body to Lord Satan to be placed upon the Altar of Sacrifice." She sounds questioning when she says this, as if she is being asked to repeat it. She finishes: "as my admission to the Kingdom of Hell."

The cameraman's hand is around her throat in the next part, so she is struggling to speak. "If I am refused by Satan," she manages, "I would prefer death by strangulation, or death by drowning." (This is subtitled as 'Death by Strangulation or Death by Drowning'). She weeps as the cameraman lets go of her throat and says, "I promise to practice deliberate self-harm." She is crying so hard that the end of this sentence is barely audible. "I promise!" she screams over and over again. "I promise to model my body after the images of celebrities and supermodels but to never gain weight by purging until Satan tells me my body is pretty."

She is then shown sticking her fingers into her mouth and making herself puke onto the camera lens. On-screen text reads '4:00 a.m.'. She pukes several times. On-screen text reads '5:00 a.m.' and she is shown lying face down on the stone floor in black and white footage, the camera inching across the ground toward her body. There is blood splashed on the wall behind her, and an object covered in blood, in a pile by her head. The footage returns to colour as the blonde woman's head is picked up by her hair. Her face is covered in blood.

A whispering female voiceover says: "As Angela grew up she had no friends but herself. When other kids would talk to Angela, she couldn't hear what they were saying. She just heard a ringing in her ears." As this voiceover plays, the bloody object, a patterned piece of fabric of some sort, is picked up and viciously wrapped around the blonde woman's throat. The woman's bloody hair is moved out of the way of her face, and she whispers, "Satan take me." This is subtitled in yellow text. She repeats this a few times.

As the woman is being shown strangled again by Satanic Killer, a single shot from the analog tape of young Angela singing is shown. The shots of the road, taken from a moving vehicle, are shown again. The camera is spun on the ground and lands on a view of the blonde woman lying on the floor, covered in blood. She is shown with her legs spread, her vagina, which is also covered in blood, on full display. The camera then hovers above her lifeless body as on-screen text reads '6:00 a.m.'. There is an extreme close-up of her bloody vagina, so close that you can't make out any detail, and then Satanic Killer kneels on top of her before the scene abruptly ends.

The twins, dressed in different outfits (one wearing a strapless tank top and a blue skirt, with pale pink boots, and the other wearing a black tank top, black skirt, and black boots) are shown posing in the bright white room. They are shown pressing their hands together before a brief shot of them lying in the blood from their head wounds is repeated. They are then seen removing each other's tops. A brief shot of them dressed in red lingerie, applying make up in front of a bathroom mirror, is also shown. The twins remove each other's skirts. They are both wearing black lingerie. The twin in the black boots holds a knife in front of her crotch, and the twin in the pink boots gets down on one knee. The twin in the pink boots is then shown using the knife to cut into her sister's thigh. Close ups of the wound are shown, as well as a shot of the twin in the pink boots licking it. They cut each other in various other places (like on the collarbones), and are shown rubbing the blood around on their skin. There is a shot of them in the motel room, kneeling on a bed in front of each other, kissing.

In the white room, one is shown taking a bite out of the other's flesh. They begin to fight over the knife, slapping each other, now both drenched in blood. The floor surrounding them is also red with blood. The pull each other's hair and grapple with one another, slipping over the wet floor. The camera lens also has a streak of blood on it, and there are many rapid cuts during this fight, so it is hard to make out what is going on. Angry screams can be heard.

The twins eventually face off against each other with their fists raised. They each invite the other one to punch them in the stomach, and they begin to laugh as well as cry out in pain. One holds the others hands behind her back, and they both scream at one another. They are then shown again in red lingerie, looking at themselves in the bathroom mirror. They are also both wearing crucifix necklaces. They giggle at their reflections, and then kiss each other lightly.

They are also briefly shown in black dresses, lying on the motel room bed with blonde Angela.

A red-haired woman is shown in the bright white room being choked, spit covering her chin. She is also shown appearing to be threatened with a knife, the person behind the camera forcing her to remove her black shirt and reveal her breasts. Yellow on-screen text in the bottom left-hand corner reads 'Miss Lake Washington 1994'. The red-haired woman also goes unnamed in the credits, so I'll refer to her as Miss Lake Washington. She cries and gags, spitting on the floor as she removes her jeans, now fully naked. More shots are shown of her being strangled, and these are interspersed with shots of brunette Angela also seemingly being strangled, though it is difficult to tell what is going on. Angela is also shown having her hair pulled, and then Miss Lake Washington is shown lying on the floor, her legs spread and her vagina on full display. She proceeds to urinate on the camera lens, and more shots are shown of her crying.

Brunette Angela is shown crying, her hair in her face, as a person off-screen taunts her by waving fifty dollar bills in her face. The film cuts between this and shots of Miss Lake Washington screaming. Miss Lake Washington is forced to open her mouth so that the person behind the camera can press a knife against her tongue, and Angela is forced to hold the money that she was being taunted with in her mouth.

The twins pull Miss Lake Washington into a slightly reclined seat with black cushions and stirrups, the only thing in the bright white room. They force her feet into the stirrups and tie a chain around her neck. They also begin slapping her, and use black tape to bind her arms and legs, while split-second shots of Angela with the money in her mouth are shown. One of the twins roughly grips the Miss Lake Washington's face while she cries and gags, and the other twin punches her in the stomach.

Angela, through her mouthful of money, says something that sounds like either "I don't want it," or "I don't wanna."

The twins pull on the chain around the Miss Lake Washington's throat, which is now bloodied. She also looks slightly beaten up, with scrapes now on her face. They take turns spitting in her mouth. With the chain still around her throat, they shove her to the ground and press a knife into her stomach, as split-second shots of the twins caressing Angela's hair in the motel room are shown. Shots of the twins taking each other's pants off are also interspersed within this footage. One of the twins stabs the knife into Miss Lake Washington's stomach and begins to slice upwards. The twins remove her intestine and drape it across her body. They may also remove another organ, but the scene is such a mess of blood that it is hard to tell. Once Miss Lake Washington's whole intestine is removed, the twins play around in the pool of blood that is now her stomach, splashing their hands in it and rubbing the blood around. One of them repeatedly slaps Miss Lake Washington with her own intestine, and they splash blood on each other as if they are having a fun water fight. They pull Miss Lake Washington's stomach apart some more, this time using their hands rather than the knife, and one of the twins licks blood from the knife.

They use Miss Lake Washington's intestine to choke her, and then they force it down her throat while brief shots of what looks like the exterior of a motel at night are shown. Miss Lake Washington begins the puke because of the rough way one of the twins is forcing the intestine in and out of her mouth. This is interspersed with brief shots of one of the twins, covered in dried blood, admiring herself in a mirror. Miss Lake Washington pukes at least four separate times, and then Satanic Killer, wearing an orange cap, orange-tinted glasses, a black tank top, and a few bandages around one of his arms, is shown crawling across the floor of the bright white room to Miss Lake Washington's body. He sticks two fingers down his throat and forces himself to puke over her body, particularly her open stomach. The puke is bright red in colour. He also picks up Miss Lake Washington's intestine and begins to take bites from it while still on his hands and knees. In a shot where his glasses and cap are removed, a jet of blood shoots up from the Miss Lake Washington's open stomach. Satanic Killer makes himself puke at least four more times.

A black-and-white clip of blonde Angela is shown where she sticks two fingers into her mouth and licks them. Satanic Killer is shown using Miss Lake Washington's intestine to make himself puke. In a clip where he is wearing his orange cap, but not his glasses, he is shown using Miss Lake Washington's foot to make himself puke, sticking the toes in his mouth. The foot appears to be severed because the unnatural position in which Satanic Killer is holding it in would make it impossible for it to still be attached to the body on the floor.

The scene abruptly ends, and a black-haired woman (who goes unnamed) is shown leaning against a white-tiled bathroom wall with a wide-stance, peeing while standing up. She pees into a glass cup, one hand on her stomach, and then a black box appears on-screen, covering the majority of the frame. Yellow text in the centre of the black box reads 'sterilized 4:41 p.m.'. The black box disappears and the woman is shown drinking her own urine from the glass, some of it running down her chin. She finishes the glass in one, and then leans over and sticks her fingers down her throat, making herself vomit liquid into the bath, some of which splashes on the camera lens. She holds her hair back while she does this a few more times, vomit also coming out of her nose.

Another woman is introduced, this one dark-skinned and wearing a light-blue lingerie set. She stands above the black-haired woman, who is lying in the bath, and pulls her underwear aside to urinate on her. Yellow on-screen text reads 'Stepmother and Daughter'. I am going to assume that the dark-skinned woman is the stepmother because she appears slightly older, but these women look to have a negligible difference in age.

The stepmother is now shown naked, in the bath alongside her daughter. "Yeah, puke," the stepmother says, encouraging the daughter to stick her fingers down her throat on vomit on the stepmother's naked body. After this, the stepmother says something mostly unintelligible that sounds a bit like "spray me."

Slow-motion footage of the daughter's face changing from a smile to a shocked expression is shown, and then the daughter is shown using her fingers to make herself puke clear liquid directly onto her stepmother's face. The stepmother has her eyes and mouth tightly closed during this scene, her face almost a grimace. The stepmother, now in her blue lingerie again, is shown taking off her underwear and leaning over her daughter, who is sitting on the bathroom floor. The stepmother uses her own fingers to make herself puke a thick, orange liquid onto the daughter's face and upper chest. The daughter also has her mouth and eyes tightly closed during this scene.

The stepmother is then shown being held down on the bed in the motel room by the twins, one of whom is holding her by the throat. The other uses a knife to cut a blue shirt off her, revealing her breasts. This twin then also pulls the stepmother's jeans off while the other twin continues to pin her down by the throat. They slap and insult her while she pleads, but this sequence is edited so rapidly that it's impossible to make out what anyone is saying. They spit in her mouth and bind her wrists with duct tape. At one point, one of the twins is clearly heard saying: "do not fuck with me!" and "shut up!"

The torture continues like this for a while, with the twins also pulling the stepmother's hair as she is moved into a position on her stomach, rather than on her back. The stepmother's legs are also bound with duct tape, and one of the twins says, "It's time to shut the fuck up," as she repeatedly beats the stepmother on the back of the head with the answering machine (probably from the motel room's bedside table). "Shut the fuck up you fucking whore," the twin says in between beatings.

This continues until the twins are shown holding the woman over the bath by her hair, and using their fingers to force her to puke the thick, orange liquid again. "More!" the twins repeatedly command, screaming at the stepmother. "Puke," one of them commands, while the other blows cigarette smoke into the stepmother's face. The stepmother pukes onto the camera lens, some blood now in the vomit. The stepmother spits out some blood while one of the twins can be heard in the background saying, "I don't wanna waste another cigarette on you."

A shot of a topless blonde woman smoking a cigarette is then shown. Yellow text in the lower left-hand corner reads 'teen porn star'. She is sitting in a motel room, with a bright light to her right. "I was just getting over tonsilitis. My tonsils were, like, swollen. I didn't wanna shoot that day," the porn star says, tapping away her cigarette ash. "They talked me into it, and I was puking buckets and buckets. Like, I was sitting in a pool, like, a huge pool- I've never puked that much in my life."

"Lots of blood, lots of puke. The guys, like, were taking their cock out, and I was, like, puking on their cock. Ramming it back in my throat and everything. It was gross." She continues. "And the dog came over and licked it!" she says, and laughs. "What a weird dog that was. Well, he was so protective of me, it was so funny. Like, as soon as the guys started smacking my face and stuff he was, like, like, right there barking and everything. I started puking and he was, like, whining. I think it was a cross of a Pitbull, but apparently he likes leftovers."

The porn star laughs again, and then her eyes roll into the back of her head as if she is passing out. There is a cut, and she is shown continuing to speak: "Because I was in Vegas, I haven't shot since really I got back from Vegas. Um, no. I thought the friggin' pictures were just glamour pictures and I walked in and I, like, got chained up to, like, this bar and handcuffed. We'll put you in, like, cutesy little innocent girl clothes, and I'm gonna have you pose with another girl, and I was like, okay, that's cool. I was like 'is there any sex?'. They were like, 'no, it's only stills'. Like, I'm only gonna have braces on for a few years, so I wanted it all with braces. 'Cos all the girls say that with braces on, I'll have a bunch of guys come on my teeth." She laughs and plays with her hair, which is hanging over her left shoulder.

The porn star says something not fully intelligible about a 'twist at the end', and then says: "'Cos it's a five guy gang-bang between me and her, and I was like 'the five guys are gonna come in your ass, and you're gonna squirt it on my face.' She was like 'you perverted little...' Five guys have come in your ass, and squirting it on my face? She hates being in porn. She was like 'what the fuck?' She's gonna see me sooner or later, so... Like, I'm doing needles. I've never even done needles before. One year and I'm done. I know a bunch of big producers here that shoot, like, all the big, big stuff. I guess whatever brings in the money: that's all I'm concerned about right now. Just an innocent girl with toys, and then slowly exploring, like, girl/girl, and boy/girl, and by the end of it I'll probably be, like, an anal whore. I'm gonna try and do a bunch, so. And then, like, I'll still be involved in the industry and everything, but I'll never shoot. I'll probably change my mind again, so. And here I am on the internet, like, doing gang-bangs. I'm not some innocent, like, girl anymore."

She is shown entering the motel room, wearing a black blouse, black skirt, and black fishnet tights. "Hi," she says to someone off-camera, and then begins to remove her blouse. The twins come in, crawling on the floor, after the porn star has taken off her skirt, and they help her remover her fishnet tights by ripping them. An electronic buzzing sound plays in the background. The porn star takes off her underwear, leaving her naked apart from her shoes, as the twins, both dressed in black bras and jeans, sit and watch from a couch. A different angle of the porn star taking off her underwear, from the perspective of the twins, is also shown. Close-ups of the porn star's breasts and vagina are shown.

The camera then inches across the floor to the porn star, who is slumped over, bound with black tape wrapped around her whole body, her face pressed against the back of a wooden chair, which she is fastened to. She leans back, and the chair falls on top of her face. Her hands are bound by handcuffs in front of the chair, and she is shown crying and shaking her head, looking directly at the camera. Whenever she tries to move, she pulls the chair with her.

In the next clip, a pair of shoes, and ripped pieces of black tape scattered across the floor, are shown. The twins are shown shoving the porn star's own-hand, still with a cuff at the wrist, down her throat in the motel room bathroom, making her puke onto the mirror, which they have her face pressed up against. Shots of the twins caressing Angela's hair in the bed in the motel room are also shown. The porn star is made to puke several more times as shots of Angela's blank face are shown, fading in and out.

The next clip shows brunette Angela, her back against a white wall, speaking directly to the camera. She says: "I know what I dream. I don't know what I am watching now." She slurs these words, making them hard to decipher.

The daughter character from earlier in the film is shown sitting in a brown, wooden chair in the bright white room, being slapped by the twins. One of them begins to unravel a roll of black tape. The shot of Angela comes back. Still slurring, she says, "I don't remember them, I just know I don't like them."

The twins spit in the daughter's mouth after telling her to open it, and slap her in the face. They also wrap a chain around her throat and bind her legs to the arms of the chair with black tape, so that her vagina is on full display. They use clamps to attach weights on the end of chains to parts of the daughter's outer labia, and let the weights hang down as the daughter screams. Satanic killer, dressed in orange-tinted glasses, a racoon-tail furry hat, and a black shirt, comes in and uses his fingers (which are in a black rubber glove) to make the daughter puke, putting them down her throat. He also spits in her eye as he does this. He makes the daughter puke several times, and also pukes on her face himself. He pulls her head up by the hair and caresses her face. Her eyes look dead.

One of the twins takes the daughter by the hair, and commands her to look, tilting her head down to where the other twin has released a black and orange tarantula on the seat of the chair. The tarantula is placed over, and then inside, the daughter's vagina. One of the twins then uses a needle and thread to sew the daughter's vagina shut with the tarantula still inside, while split-second shots of outdoor scenes, and shots from the scene where the twins are still conjoined, walking across a field, are shown.

Satanic Killer then cuts the daughter's head off with a saw. Shots of him puking onto the stump of the daughter's neck, which has jets of blood spurting from it, are also shown. He is puking blood and also has it all over his face. The jets of blood are squirting all over his face and covering the orange lenses of his glasses.

Angela is shown in the bright white room. A voice from behind the camera says, "You look fucking awesome," and this is subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen. "Look right here," the voice says, "and then look right at my lens." This is also subtitled. "The lens of the camera. Thank you." The voice clarifies, but this is not subtitled. "Unbelievable. Fucking amazing," the voice praises Angela as she smiles at the camera. "You look like a movie star," the voice says (subtitles match this).

Satanic Killer is shown holding the daughter's severed head in his lap, stabbing into its eyes with an ice pick, and mushing them around, moving the pick in circular motions inside the eye sockets. A shot of the twins, conjoined, is shown. The daughter's left eye is removed from its socket with the pick.

A shot of Angela holding a small black and white kitten is shown, and more split-second shots of outdoor settings during the day.

Satanic Killer removes the woman's other eye with the ice pick, while a whispered voice-over (presumably Angela's voice), says: "Angela lived in a foster home. She was always lonely." Satanic Killer sticks his fingers into the empty eye-sockets of the woman's severed head. "She couldn't go outside," the voice-over continues, "because they thought she would run away. They came and took her, and brought her to a very small room. She was waiting for her father to come and take her home, but he never came to get her." This voice-over is subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen.

A shot of brunette Angela in a domestic setting, smiling directly at the camera, is shown. She is saying something which can't be heard over a droning sound played over the clip. The exterior of a house, with overgrown plants in the garden, is shown.

A clip from the analog tape of young Angela is shown, with Angela standing in front of a large wooden sign that says 'PARADISE VALLEY' at the top of it in black text. There is more text on the sign below this, but it has been blurred. Young Angela is talking, but this is fairly hard to make out, and not subtitled. The shot zooms in, revealing that the bottom line of text on the sign says 'PADS FOR RENT'. Young Angela bows in front of the sign.

The daughter's severed head is shown having its scalp removed with a pair of pliers. Satanic Killer pulls her scalp away, revealing her skull. He drops the scalp to the floor.

A close-up shot of brunette Angela, crying, with mascara streaked down her face, is then shown. "Today's April 5th, 1994," she says between sobs. "I've come to the last night of my life." She is then shown, pregnant, lying in bed with the twins in the motel room. After a cut, she is shown giving birth. One of the twins sits behind her, stroking Angela's hair, while the other is in front of Angela's vagina, saying "Ok, I've got its head."

Angela screams, and a bright light is shone on her face. She strains while one of the twins encourages her to take big breaths. "Push it as hard as you can!" one of the twins shouts.

The teen porn star from earlier in the film is shown sitting on a couch. "My name is Angela Aberdeen," she says (this is subtitled in black text), despite the fact that she shares absolutely no resemblance to Angela. "I'm also known as Blisters. I'm nineteen years old. I was last seen on a swing set near Lake Washington." While she says this, the daughter's severed head, still with its scalp, is shown sitting in the centre of the bright white room, alone. "I was wearing blue jeans, white sneakers, and a pink shirt." The porn star concludes.

The twins, one wearing white lingerie and one wearing red, are shown carrying an octopus to the daughter's severed head, which is now scalped, covered in blood, and sitting on a table in the bright white room over a pool of blood. "'Is that man coming here?' Angela asked. 'Yes, he is' said the counsellor, 'as the man is looking for a little girl to adopt.'" the whispering voice-over (not subtitled this time) says, as the twins lay the octopus over the daughter's severed head. The voice-over continues, as outdoor shots of a vast green garden are shown. "She took Angela outside. She saw an old man coming to adopt a little girl." This is subtitled in green text. "Angela could not believe it. The old man wanted her. She finally had a family. They felt like such big drops of water were going inside her." The next part is not subtitled: "'why are you doing this to me?' cried Angela." The subtitles return: "She went to her room and climbed out her window and went far away."

Satanic Killer, now wearing corpse paint style makeup, is shown eating one of the octopus's tentacles from off the daughter's severed head. He uses the tentacle to make himself throw up on the face of the severed head several times. An outdoor shot of a small town in a valley beside a large lake is shown. Satanic Killer takes the octopus and places it on his own head, then uses the tentacle to make himself throw up again. He picks the severed head up and begins to kiss it on the lips, before driving his thumb into its empty eye-socket. Another shot of a garden is shown.

Satanic Killer, still with the octopus on his head, and now wearing his orange-tinted glasses, uses a knife and a brick to chip away at the daughter's skull, eventually removing a part of it, and sitting down on the same wooden chair that the daughter was tortured in. He uses one of the octopus's tentacles to make himself puke inside the daughter's skull, and then drinks it, using the skull like a cup. Needless to say, he pukes again, right back into the skull. He repeats this process one more time before holding the severed head aloft and then throwing it down, also discarding the octopus he has been using as a hat.

Brunette Angela is shown sitting on a bed in a hotel room. She is looking at the camera, and whispers, "I'm gonna miss you." This is subtitled in yellow text at the bottom of the screen as 'I'm going to miss you'.

Brunette Angela is then shown in a different environment, holding a tub of ice cream with a spoon in it. "That's my half Japanese shirt," she says (this is also subtitled, but the 'j' in 'Japanese' is not capitalised). Angela is then shown in yet another different environment, with foil in her hair, implying that it is being dyed blonde. She is holding up a piece of paper, and says "I wrote this for you." This is not subtitled. "It's a song," Angela says, as the camera zooms in on the writing on the paper (but not making it clear enough to see what is actually written).

In a different shot, a different environment, Angela is shown nodding to someone behind the camera, saying "yeah, of course I'll stick around. I have to."

In the next shot, the camera is shown moving up a path toward a large country house, which is behind a wooden gate and large brick walls. Orange text in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen reads 'April 5, 1994'. A voice-over, which sounds as if it is over the phone, says "Hello?" It is Angela's voice talking. The voice-over is subtitled in orange text now. "I didn't take any drugs. If I didn't have you as my friend, I would be non-existent right now, you know that? Not even my prescription is helping me feel this way. I love you," Angela says on the voice-over, crying, "and I'm so afraid that I'm gonna make you hate me and I don't know what I'm gonna fucking do now for my Lithium. Yeah, I take my Lithium daily. Sorry if I made you mad, and I'm sorry if you're mad whether I made you mad or not. The only person I wanna be violent to right now is me. I hate my life. I've done lots of bad things, honey. A lot. And I wasn't always a good person, and this could be my karma coming back on me. I thought it was you. I'm positive it was you." At this point, the camera, which had been moving through the garden of the country house, shows verses written on a wooden fence in pen, but the words are impossible to make out. "It had to have been you," Angela continues. "I took a little too much and my friends couldn't get my heart back beating."

The shot miraculously brightens up, now showing one of the verses clearly enough to make out portions of it. It says 'HEY KURT YOU ROCKED THIS WORLD I WISH YOU WERE HERE TODAY TO MAKE MORE OF YOUR GREAT MUSIC IM A BIG FAN'. There are a few more lines, but these are written too sloppily to read. This shot reveals that the property is Kurt Cobain's Seattle home, in which he took his own life (on April 5th, 1994), and that the other outdoor shots throughout the film have been taken on, or near, the property.

Another verse is zoomed in on. This one reads something like: 'I love ya Kurt! Aleasha Muncy April 7 2005'. The next one that is zoomed in on shows an anarchy symbol. The next one reads 'Kurt Breath IAN', with a heart drawn in between the word 'Breath' and the name 'IAN', and a peace symbol drawn after Ian's name. The next reads '4-5-06 I MISS YOU'. The next one says 'BEAT ME OUT OF ME', the next '"I LOVE YOU I'M NOT GONNA CRACK"'. Another is then zoomed in on that says 'Kurt Cobain 4 ever!!'.

A message written in silver pen on the fence is shown, and read aloud in a voiceover by Angela. The message itself says: 'When I was 14 I dreamed your death just weeks before it happened. In the dream we were sitting in your living room + you opened a drawer in an end table next to the couch. There was a gun inside. I said please close that drawer and lock it. You did. But you kept the key. I miss you Kurt, RIP Stephanie 4/5/05'. Clips of Angela reading this fade in and out. She is shown in the bright white room in these shots. Angela's voiceover differs slightly from what is actually written, but only minorly. For example, she says "the drawer in the end table" instead of 'a drawer in an end table'. She also omits the 'RIP Stephanie 4/5/05' part, and instead says, "reGOREgitated sacrifice."

More shots of Cobain's property are shown, with the heavy sounds of Angela's pained breathing played in the background. Angela is then shown in the bright white room being strangled and having her hair pulled. She removes her sleeveless shirt (which is black, patterned with grey sequins in a spiderweb-like pattern), and then removes her black jeans while crying, so that she is only wearing red lingerie. She lies on the ground, groping her own breasts, alternating between laughing and crying. She is pulled up by her hair by someone off-camera as she sobs, "what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Please tell me what you want. I'll do anything. I'll do anything you want. You want me to take off my top? Please. You want me to take off my top? Please."

She proceeds to remover her bra, repeating "please." The music playing over this scene, with heavy drums and guitar, makes it difficult to tell what Angela is saying in some parts. Angela also removes her underwear, doing her best to cover her breasts with her hands. "Please teach me," she says. "Teach me how. Show me how."

A hand from behind the camera grabs Angela by the throat and then pulls her hair. "Please show me how," Angela repeats. Angela is then shown crawling on her hands and knees across the floor of the white room, toward the person behind the camera. She undoes the belt of the person holding the camera, and is then shown giving him a blow job. The penis is fake, however, and ejaculates blood into her mouth and onto her face. She then pukes blood, and split-second shots of the person in the rubber mask are shown.

The fake penis continues to ejaculate blood onto Angela until her whole body is covered. This goes on for quite a while. Angela sucks the penis again, and the twins are shown, lying in a pool of their own blood after being separated. Angela is shown rolling around on the floor, rubbing blood all over her body.

A distorted voice screams "Yes! Yes!" in the background, and shots of a woman's corpse with no nose, floating in a bath-tub, are shown in black and white. Angela is shown being strangled once again, and a male voice screams, before the film abruptly ends, and 'written and directed by lucifer valentine' appears in red text in the bottom left-hand corner of a white screen. The text vanishes, and the white screen is replaced by a clip of Satanic Killer in corpse paint throwing the octopus onto the ground before puking on it, and the white text 'ReGOREgitated Sacrifice' is shown overlaid onto the puke and tentacles. Then the text 'executive producer: No One Body' is shown in the same manner, and then 'starring Ameara LaVey', 'The Black Angels of Hell', 'Isabelle Styles', 'Amy Lee', 'Honey', 'Hank Skinny', 'and Cinderella Valentine', 'also featuring: A.Belle J.J.', 'prosthetics and make-up by: arcanum design works', 'and: chris the heathen valagao', 'B Camera: The Black Kid', '"A Kid Named Angela" story written by: Cinderella Valentine adapted by: Lucifer Valentine excerpts narrated by: Ameara LaVey', 'photographed, edited and scored by: Lucifer Valentine'. The final slide says 'copyright 2007 Kingdom of Hell Productions Inc. all rights reserved.'